Magical words and textual amulets: Some thoughts on apotropaic practices in early Indian Buddhism
Wir freuen uns, JProf. Dr. Kathrin Holz am 22. Januar 2024 zu einem Gastvortrag zum Thema "Magical words and textual amulets: Some thoughts on apotropaic practices in early Indian Buddhism" in Leipzig begrüßen zu dürfen.
Die Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig und das Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften laden Sie herzlich zu diesem spannenden Gastvortrag ein.
Apotropaic texts are meant to provide protection and to ward off disease, danger, and any kind of calamity. A significant feature of these texts is the fact that they were not only preserved and handed down, but were actually used in ritual practices, as archaeological and epigraphic finds prove. Preparing and wearing textual amulets is one of those practices. These amulets contain texts credited with magical powers. Many of the texts are, however, silent about their usage in protective rites, and it is the manuscript itself that has to reveal its story. The coexistence of the written text and its material carrier and setting plays a decisive role in the amulet cult. The efficacy of textual amulets is achieved through the interplay of text, form, and function. Wearing amulets for protective purposes represents a ritual practice that does not aim at attaining Buddhahood, but reflects everyday concerns of the Buddhist community, which only recently gained scholarly attention.
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Autor: Dr. Ines Konczak-Nagel