Anna Sanda studied musicology (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) and church music (B.A., M.A.) in Budapest and Vienna. Her research examines the role of sacred music in Habsburg dynastic representation, focusing on the eighteenth-century Electoral Court in Bonn and its ties to Vienna. As an additional field of expertise, she works on nineteenth-century Habsburg theatrical life. She received grants from the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), the Austrian Cultural Forum New York, the National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA) and the 2023 Dissertation Prize from the University of Vienna's Department of Musicology.
Before joining the ERC project, Sanda worked at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Department of Early Music), in the digital edition project of the Mainz Academy "Corpus monodicum. The Monophonic Music of the Latin Middle Ages" and most recently at the University of Vienna.
Professional career
- since 01/2024
Postdoctoral Fellow, ERC-Advanced Grant "Opera and the Politics of Empire in Habsburg Europe, 1815–1914" Department of History, University of Leipzig (PI: Prof. Dr. Axel Körner) - 08/2020 - 09/2023
PhD in Musicology (with honors), Doctoral Fellow at Department of Musicology, University of ViennaFunding: ÖAW-DOC-Grant, Austrian Academy of SciencesDissertation: „Enlightened Representation on the Sacred Stage. Symbolic-Ritual Forms of Liturgical Music in the Late Period of the Bonn Electoral Court“ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Birgit Lodes) - 03/2019 - 07/2020
Research Fellow (p. p., part time), University of Würzburg funded by the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz in the Digital Edition Project "Corpus Monodicum. The monophonic music of the Latin Middle Ages" (PI: Prof. Dr. Andreas Haug) - 03/2019 - 04/2020
University Assistant, Doctoral Fellow (p. p., part time), Institute of Musicology, University of Vienna - 01/2019 - 04/2019
Research Fellow (part time), University of Vienna in the FWF funded research project "The Sacred Music Library of Elector Maximilian Franz (1784-1794)", (PI: Prof. Dr. Birgit Lodes) - 11/2017 - 11/2018
Junior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (full time) - 11/2013 - 11/2017
Junior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (part time)
Cultural History in Habsburg Central Europe
Sacred music and Habsburg cultural policy around 1800
Ritual and symbolic-political representation in the Old Empire around 1800
Repertoire and practices of sacred music at the Bonn Electoral Court in the 'Beethoven era'
Digital Edition of Monophonic Music of the Latin Middle Ages: Sequences from French Sources
"A Sacred Opera"? Johann Sebastian Bach's Christmas Oratorio
Proseminar, Institute for Musicology, University of Vienna (winter semester 2023/24)
Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
Reading Course and four Choral Projects (Übung), Department of Musicology, University of Vienna (summer semester 2023)
Digital Edition of the Manuscript "Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 904": Sequences from the Rouen Cathedral in the 13th Century
Practical course (Praktikum), Department of Musicology, University of Vienna (winter semester 2020/21)
Performance, Obligation and Prestige of Musicians at the Viennese Imperial Court (1780-1830)
Proseminar, Institute for Musicology, University of Vienna (winter semester 2019/20)
Introduction to the History of Catholic Church Music
Lecture, Brenner János Theological College, Győr (Hungary) (summer semester 2019)
Introduction to the History of Catholic Church Music
Lecture, Brenner János Theological College, Győr (Hungary) (summer semester 2018)