Welcome to the Leipzig Cyberbaraza – the Institute of African Studies’ digital notice board! Inspired by the wish to foster new communication channels, the Cyberbaraza provides a space to share students’ experiences, our latest study programmes, research, alumni engagement, and international partnerships. These and other initiatives at the IAS will feature here throughout the semester. We look forward to making the Cyberbaraza an integral part of our digital presence and welcome all potential contributions as well as your feedback. Feel free to contact us!

enlarge the image: Auf dem Bild sehen wir eine Baraza eines Hauses (ein halb-öffentlicher Raum zum sozialen Austausch, der wie eine Veranda aussieht) in Makunduchi, einem Dorf im Süden Zanzibars. Foto: Berenike Eichhorn.
A house's baraza in Makunduchi (Zanzibar), Photo: Berenike Eichhorn.


“Be fearless and ambitious”, this is the advice of Anja Drame to students of African Studies. She is herself a former student of our institute and works today as researcher with Médecins sans frontières (Doctors without Borders). Here a short interview about her professional career.

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Student Projects

The search for 'real locals' on Tripadvisor
by Nikolai Krewenka

The search for „real locals“ or „real local experience“ in the frame of slum tourism unmasks the tourist's prejudicial and stigmatizing perception of southern countries as poor, wild, and backward. It reveals a way of thinking which believes that living in poverty is the only „real thing“ or „real life“ in these parts of the world and thus inherently links poverty to the global south’s authenticity. In this consequence, the facades of modern apartment towers of Mumbai, Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro dominating the sky only a few hundred meters away must be „unreal“ or artificial and hence can neither belong to nor represent the global south. By displaying these experiences via Tripadvisor these tourists of the global north, manifest this perspective by giving recommendations on how to best consume poverty, making the platform an active medium for the multiplication of this specific view on the world.

inspired by: ‘Urban Africa’ Seminar (SoSe 2021), African Studies M.A., Instructors: Dr. Irene Brunotti & Ph.D. Lara Krause

Iqani, M. (2016), “Slum tourism and the consumption of poverty in tripadvisor reviews: The cases of Langa, Dharavi and Santa Marta”, in: Iqani, M. Consumption, media and the global south. Aspiration Contested. Palgrave Macmillan, London: 51-86.

Money Talks - Geldfälschung in Südafrika
Money Talks - M-Pesa: Lipa, Tuma na Pokea
Money Talks - Die Inszenierung eines Diktators
Money Talks - Tito und Guinea
Money Talks - Abeid Karume und Julius Nyerere auf Tansanias Banknoten

Global Energy Justice: The Case of Cobalt



MAISHA, MAISHA TU (Official Teaser 2015)

"Maisha, maisha tu" by Yann Labry, Jakob Zeyer - Internship in Tanzania, 2015

Shot in Tanzania, this feature film shows four different life stories - stories of challenges, opportunities and second chances.

directed by Yann Labry
written and produced by Jakob Zeyer & Yann
Starring: Ashraf Lukamba, Ibrahim Msuka, Ayubu Juma
Genre: Drama, Target Group Teenagers
Subtitles: German [UT], English [CC]
Language: Kiswahili


Fiscal responsibility or neo-imperialism – Crises, debt, and currency boards in Africa

by Wyatt Constantine

Imperial Ambitions: The new political economy in Ethiopia


Southern African Perspectives


Afrikanists Assemble

Haji Gora Haji - Shuwari

Video by Yann Labry and Jakob Zeyer (within a project with Irene Brunotti - 2019)

Nine poems from the collection Shuwari, written and performed by Haji Gora Haji, and three poems by Ali Haji Gora.
These videos were produced together with the book "Shuwari", a collection of over 50 poems by the famous poet Haji Gora Haji from Zanzibar (published in 2019, translated by Flavia Aiello, Irene Brunotti with Nathalie Arnold Koenings).



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