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With a touch of nostalgia but, above all, with immense gratitude, we bid farewell to our longtime institute secretary, Mrs. Adelheid Buschner, who will be enjoying her well-deserved retirement starting from December 1, 2023.

With a nostalgic smile and deep gratitude, we bid farewell to our esteemed institute secretary, Mrs. Adelheid Buschner, as she enters her well-deserved retirement. As a token of our appreciation, we presented her with a truly special combination of gifts.

A hand-painted Thangka depicts a Durga with eight arms, featuring the face of Mrs. Buschner, supporting the institute at its core. To us, it symbolizes the tireless strength and versatility she has demonstrated over the years. Her hands extend far and wide, tending to all possible matters.

In addition, she received a lovingly handcrafted Indian flower necklace, representing the vibrant blossoms of collaboration she has sown throughout the years.

Mrs. Buschner, your presence will be missed here, but your influence will continue to thrive in the corridors and hearts of the institute. We wish you a retirement as rich in joy and fulfillment as the years you have shared with us.