Michael P. Streck has been Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Head of the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Leipzig University since 2003. His research focuses on the grammar, lexicon, onomastics and literature of the Semitic languages of the Ancient Near East, especially Akkadian (Babylonian-Assyrian), the most important language of the Ancient Near East, and the early Northwest Semitic languages. He has also worked on nomadism in the Ancient Near East, the relationship between humans and nature in Mesopotamia and the history of Ancient Near Eastern studies. From 2004 to 2018, he was the main editor of the Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Since 2008, he has been working together with N. Wassermann from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem on the Sources of Early Akkadian Literature project, an online corpus of early Akkadian literary texts. Since 2018 he has edited the Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries.
Professional career
- since 08/2003
Holder of the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Leipzig and Director of the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. - 10/2002
teaching assignment at the Eötvös-university Budapest. - 10/2001 - 02/2002
teaching assignment at the Institute for Languages and Cultures of the Near East at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. - 10/2000 - 03/2001
Representation of the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Philipps University of Marburg. - 10/1998 - 09/1999
teaching assignment at the Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at the University of Bern. - 04/1998
teaching assignment at the IInstitute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Karls-Universität, Prag. - 10/1994
Participation in the excavation of the German Oriental Society in Tuttul/Tall Bi'a, Syria. - 01/1993 - 12/1996
Part-time proofreading for Time-Life International GmbH (supervision of the German translation of four books on classical studies). - 01/1993 - 12/1999
Research assistant at the Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology at the LMU. - 01/1991 - 12/1993
Research assistant at the Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich.
- 01/1998 - 12/1998
Habilitation and private lectureship in Assyriology at the LMU (Habilitation thesis: Das amurritische Onomastikon der altbabylonischen Zeit). - 01/1992 - 12/1992
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the LMU (supervisor: D. O. Edzard. Dissertation: Number and time. Grammar of numeralia and the verbal system in Late Babylonian). - 01/1989 - 12/1989
Magister Artium at the LMU (Master's thesis: Functional analysis and statistical studies of Akkadian verbal stems with T(A)-Infix on the basis of Soden's AHw (Akkadian Dictionary)). - 10/1986 - 12/1992
Studied Assyriology, Semitic Studies and Near Eastern Archaeology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. - 01/1984 - 10/1986
Studied Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Semitic Studies, Religious Studies, Biblical and Christian Archaeology at the Philipps University of Marburg. - 08/1983 - 07/1984
Abitur at the Kopernikus-Gymnasium Wissen, a secondary school for modern languages and natural sciences.
Panel Memberships
- since 01/2022
Member in Editorial Board von Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Languages - since 01/2020
Member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences. - since 01/2021
PROMOS assessor at the University of Leipzig - 01/2019 - 12/2020
Member of the Appointments Committee for Egyptology Leipzig. - 01/2019 - 12/2020
Member of the Appeals Committee for Classical Archaeology Leipzig. - since 01/2019
Member of the Graduate Commission of the University of Leipzig. - 01/2017 - 12/2018
Member of the Appointments Committee for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Jena. - 01/2020 - 12/2020
Member of the Appointments Committee for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Jena. - 01/2017 - 12/2017
Member of the Appointments Committee for Arabic Linguistics, Leipzig. - 01/2016 - 12/2016
Member of the Appointments Committee for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Marburg. - since 01/2016
Mitglied des Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times. - 01/2014 - 12/2017
Member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies Marburg. - 01/2013 - 12/2016
Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies at Leipzig University. - 01/2019 - 12/2022
Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies at Leipzig University. - since 10/2010
Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Commission, responsible for "Regional Studies" in the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies at Leipzig University. - 01/2007 - 12/2012
Member of the board of the SFB "Difference and Integration. Interactions between nomadic and sedentary life forms in civilizations of the ancient world". - since 11/2005
Chairman of the commission for the entrance examination for the acquisition of the subject-specific university entrance qualification of the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies at the University of Leipzig. - 07/1997 - 06/1998
Representative of the mid-level faculty on the Faculty Council of Faculty 12 at LMU. - since 01/2022
Member of the project advisory board "Cuneiform Artefacts of Iraq in Context (CAIC)" of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. - since 01/2019
Member of the structural commission Africa - Asia - Europe of the Saxon Academy of Sciences. - since 01/2017
Deputy speaker of the Semitic Studies section of the German Oriental Society. - since 01/2016
Chairman of the project committee "Cuneiform Research and Near Eastern Archaeology" at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. - 01/2012 - 12/2014
Second Chairman of the German Oriental Society. - 01/2009 - 12/2017
Speaker of the Semitic Studies working group (from 2015 section) in the German Oriental Society. - 01/2008 - 12/2011
Member of the Board of the German Oriental Society. - 01/2005 - 12/2015
Member of the Commission for Cuneiform Research and Near Eastern Archaeology of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. - since 01/1998
Foundation of the Semitic Studies Working Group in the German Oriental Society (together with J. Oelsner and S. Weninger). - 01/2014 - 12/2023
Member of the Advisory Board of Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes - since 01/2012
Member of the Advisory Board of World of the Orient - 01/2008 - 12/2019
Member of the Advisory Board of Ancient Orient and Old Testament - since 01/2012
Member of the Advisory Board of World of the Orient - 01/2008 - 12/2019
Member of the Editoral Board von Languages of the Ancient Near East
His research focuses on the grammar, lexicon, onomastics and literature of the Semitic languages of the Ancient Near East, especially Akkadian (Babylonian-Assyrian), the most important language of the Ancient Near East, and the early Northwest Semitic languages (especially Amurritic, but also early Aramaic). Other of his works deal with nomadism in the Ancient Near East, the relationship between man and nature in Mesopotamia and the history of Ancient Near Eastern studies.
- Supplement to the Akkadian DictionariesStreck, Michael PeterDuration: 07/2013 – ongoingFunded by: DFG Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Altorientalistik
- Streck, M. P.; Wende, J.Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries Vol. 3: G, K, Q. With the collaboration of Bert Kouwenberg, Nadezda Rudik, Jonas Klöker and Frank SimonsWiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2022.ISBN: 978-3-447-11027-3
- Streck, M. P. (Ed.)2.5. Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Fachgebiet Altorientalistik seit Bd. 157 (2007).2022.
- Streck, M. P.Akkadian eppepi'atu "eyelashes", Northwest Semitic 'ap'ap "eyelid" and some other Parts of the Eye in Akkadian, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (im Druck).2022.
- Streck, M. P.Old Babylonian Grammar. Part I: Orthography and Phonology, Pronouns, Nouns, Numerals. Brill (in press).2022.ISBN: 978-90-04-49898-3
- Streck, M. P.Die Altorientalistik und der Harrassowitz Verlag, in: B. Krauß (ed.), 150 Jahre Harrassowitz Verlag. Katalog der lieferbaren Titel 2022. Mit Beiträgen zur Verlagsgeschichte und zum Programm (2022) 186.2022.
- Akademiemitgliedschaften: Ordentliches Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaftenshow detailsStreck, Michael Peter (Altorientalisches Institut)awarded in 2020 by Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
- Geschichte und Religion Israels und seiner UmweltMinerva Zentrum RIABStart Date of Collaboration: 01/07/2015Involved persons: Berlejung, Angelika; Frenschkowski, Marco; Streck, Michael Peter; Hagemeyer, Felix
- Altorientalisches InstitutSources of Early Akkadian LiteratureStart Date of Collaboration: 01/01/2008Involved persons: Streck, Michael Peter; Wasserman, Nathan
- Gastvortrag"Seine Sprache war fremd, niemand verstand seine Rede". Indirekte Sprachzeugnisse im Alten Orient.AltorientalistikEvent Organiser: Streck, Michael Peter25/10/2023
- Vortrag auf der Rencontre AssyriologiqueNew Light on Papulegara. A Duplicate of the Papulegara Hymns (zusammen mit Nathan Wasserman)AltorientalistikEvent Organiser: Streck, Michael Peter19/07/2023
- TagungVernetzte Sprachen und Religionen an der SeidenstraßeAltorientalistikEvent Organiser: zu Leipzig, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaft; Streck, Michael Peter28/06/2023
- Tagung34. Deutscher Orientalistentag: "Dieser Mann ist ein Arsch!" Schimpfwörter bei den Babyloniern und Assyrern.AltorientalistikEvent Organiser: Streck, Michael Peter13/09/2022
- Tagung11. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft: Der Altorientalische Mensch in seiner UmweltAltorientalistikEvent Organiser: Streck, Michael Peter16/06/2022 – 19/06/2022
Prof. Michael P. Streck teaches Ancient Near Eastern Studies. His courses include language courses in the ancient Near Eastern languages Babylonian-Assyrian (Akkadian), Sumerian and Ugaritic, reading seminars on historical and cultural-historical topics of the ancient Near East (e.g. literature, religion, law), lectures (Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Studies, History of the Ancient Near East, Environmental and Natural History, History of Literature) and an annual research colloquium with BA and MA graduates and doctoral students.
Lecture: Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics and Alphabets: Writings and Languages of the Ancient Orient (2 hours)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2019
Seminar for the lecture "Cuneiform, hieroglyphics, alphabets"
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2019
Lecture: Euphrates, sheep and date palm. Regional studies of Mesopotamia (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2024
- SoSe 2020
- WiSe 2013/2014
- WiSe 2003/2004
Lecture: The Ancient Orient: An introduction to history, cultures, languages, sources and methods
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2023/2024
- WiSe 2022/2023
Lecture: History of Babylonian-Assyrian Literature
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2023
Lecture: Wedges and Kings: A History of Babylonia and Assyria Told from Outstanding Cuneiform Texts in Akkadian (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2022
- SoSe 2007
Accompanying reading for the lecture "Wedges and Kings"
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2007
Lecture: Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Studies (2 hours)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2021/2022
- WiSe 2017/2018
Lecture: On Gilgamesh, the Flood and the Creation of the World: A Literary History of Babylonia and Assyria (2 hours)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2018
Lecture: Archaeology, History and Culture of the Ancient Near East I (2 hours)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2017
Lecture: Cultural History of Ancient Mesopotamia (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2016
Lecture: History of the Ancient Near East from the Neolithic Revolution to Islam (10000 BC to 622 AD) (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2015/2016
Vorlesung: "Als die Götter Mensch waren": Die Literatur der Babylonier und Assyer (1 Stunde)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2014/2015
Lecture: Voices from a distant land. A history of Babylonia and Assyria, told according to outstanding cuneiform texts (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2014
Lecture: History of the Akkadian language (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2006/2007
Lecture: Historical regional studies of Mesopotamia (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2005/2006
Lecture: History and Culture of the Ancient Orient
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2011/2012 (together with C. Pappi)
- SoSe 2011 (together with J. Hazenbos)
- SoSe 2010 (together with J. Hazenbos)
- WiSe 2008/2009 (together with C. Pappi)
- SoSe 2008 (together with S. Minx) Part II
- SoSe 2007 (together with J. Hazenbos)
- WiSe 2005/2006 (together with J. Hazenbos) Part I
- SoSe 2005 (together with PD Dr. A.Zgoll and PD Dr. J. Hazenbos) Part II
- WiSe 2004/2005 (together with PD Dr. A.Zgoll and PD Dr. J. Hazenbos) Part I
Lecture: Ancient Near Eastern civilizations from 3500 BC to the turn of the millennium (2 hours)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2020/2021
- WiSe 2019/2020
- WiSe 2018/2019
Lecture: Babylonian tangle of languages: Writings and Languages of the Ancient Near East (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2015
Lecture: The Amurrites - Nomads in Mesopotamia (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2004
Introduction to Akkadian (Babylonian-Assyrian) literature and language as well as cuneiform writing
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2024 (Part II)
- WiSe 2023/2024 (Part I)
- SoSe 2011 (Part II) ( togehter with A. Jordanova, 4 hours)
- WiSe 2010/2011 (Part I) (together with A. Jordanova, 4 hours)
- SoSe 2010 (Part II) (together with A. Jordanova, 4 hours)
- WiSe 2009/2010 (Part I) (togehter with S. Minx, 4 hours)
- WiSe 2006/2007 (4 hours, together with V. Golinets)
- SoSe 2005 (Part II)
- WiSe 2004/2005
- SoSe 2004 (Part II)
- WiSe 2003/2004
- WiSe 2003/2004 (Part I)
Masterclass Akkadian Lexicography: Lexical Texts (together with M. Ceccarelli)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2023
Ancient Orientalist internship
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2024
- WiSe 2023/2024
- WiSe 2022/2023
- SoSe 2022
- WiSe 2021/2022
- WiSe 2020/2021
- SoSe 2020
- WiSe 2019/2020
- SoSe 2019
- WiSe 2018/2019
- SoSe 2018
- WiSe 2017/2018
- SoSe 2017
- SoSe 2016
- WiSe 2015/2016
- SoSe 2015
- WiSe 2014/2015
- SoSe 2014
- WiSe 2013/2014
- SoSe 2011 (1 hour)
- WiSe 2010/2011
- SoSe 2007
Ancient Near Eastern Research Colloquium - 2017-2024
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2024 (in Siegmundsburg, together with J. Hackl)
- SoSe 2023 (in Siegmundsburg, together with J. Hackl)
- SoSe 2022 (in Zingst, together with J. Hackl)
- WiSe 2021/2022
- SoSe 2019 (in Zingst, together with M. Krebernik)
- SoSe 2018 (in Siegmundsburg, together with M. Krebernik)
- SoSe 2017 (in Siegmundsburg, together with M. Krebernik)
Ancient Near Eastern Research Colloquium - 2011-2016
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2016 (in Siegmundsburg, together with M. Krebernik)
- WiSe 2015/2016
- SoSe 2015 (together with M. Krebernik)
- WiSe 2014/2015
- SoSe 2014 (together with M. Krebernik)
- WiSe 2013/2014 (1 Stunde)
- SoSe 2013 (together with M. Krebernik)
- WiSe 2011/2012 (1 Stunde)
- SoSe 2011 (together with M. Krebernik, in Siegmundsburg)
- WiSe 2010/2011
Ancient Near Eastern Research Colloquium - 2006-2010
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2010 (together with M. Krebernik, in Zingst)
- WiSe 2009/2010
- SoSe 2009 (in Zingst)
- WiSe 2008/2009
- SoSe 2008 (in Zingst)
- SoSe 2007 (together with M. Krebernik)
- WiSe 2006/2007
- SoSe 2006 (together with M. Krebernik)
Ancient Near Eastern Research Colloquium - 2003-2005
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2005/2006 (together with other teachers of the institute)
- SoSe 2005 (together with other teachers of the institute)
- WiSe 2004/2005 (together with other teachers of the institute)
- SoSe 2004 (together with other teachers of the institute)
- WiSe 2003/2004 (together with other teachers of the institute)
Introduction to Sumerian
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2016 Part II
- WiSe 2015/2016
- WiSe 2010/2011Introduction to Sumerian (4 hours)
- SoSe 2006 Part III: Texts on the economy, history and law of Sumer
- WiSe 2005/2006 Part II
- SoSe 2005 Part I
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 1996/1997 Part III
- SoSe 1996 Part II
- WiSe 1995/1996 Part I
- SoSe 1994 Part II
- WiSe 1993/1994 Part I
Introduction to Ugaritic
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2019/2020 Part I
- WiSe 2013/2014 Part I
- SoSe 2010: Ugaritic reading
- WiSe 2006/2007
- SoSe 2006 (1 hour)
- WiSe 2004/2005: Ugaritic reading (1 hour)
- WiSe 2003/2004
Introduction to Neolithic and Late Babylonian
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2008/2009
How to read an unpublished text (together with N. Wasserman)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2017/2018
From cuneiform to podcast
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2024
- WiSe 2023/2024
Discussion of ancient orientalist works (1 hour)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2003/2004
New Akkadian literary texts
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2020/2021
Ancient Akkadian royal inscriptions and letters from the time of the Akkadian dynasty
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2013/2014
- WiSe 2004/2005
Akkadian legends about the ancient Akkadian kings Sargon and Naram-Sin
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2016
Akkadisch: Gilgameschepos (Sintflutepisode u.a.).
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2017/2018
- SoSe 2017
- WiSe 2014/2015: The Flood Narrative in the Epic of Gilgamesh
- WiSe 2011/2012
- SoSe 2006 Part II
- WiSe 2005/2006
- SoSe 2004 Continuation of winter semester 2003/2004
- WiSe 2003/2004
The earliest Akkadian texts from Eres and Ebla (together with J. Wende)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2022
Sumerian literary texts on the donkey and other equids
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2020
Sumerian inscriptions and laws of the New Sumerian period
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2011
New Sumerian inscriptions and laws
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2008/2009
Sumerian texts on the underworld goddess Ereshkigal
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2008
Literary bilingual (Sumerian-Akkadian) texts of the Middle Babylonian period (together with M. Ceccarelli)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2022/2023
Sources on the history of Hammurapi of Babylon
The Babylonian world creation epic Enuma elis
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2014
Sargon's 8th campaign against Urartu.7.22. SS 2005 Introduction to Neolithic and Late Babylonian: Writing, Language, Reading
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2005
"My lord shall not ride on horses": Old Babylonian texts on donkey, horse and mule
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2019/2020
Small ancient Babylonian epics
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2008/2009
Late Babylonian inscriptions by Nabonid and Adadguppi
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2006
Old Babylonian letters
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2015/2016
Ancient Babylonian incantations
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2021/2022
- WiSe 2009/2010
Old Babylonian literary texts
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2012/2013
Old Babylonian hymns
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2011
- SoSe 2009
The Amurritic in personal names and borrowings in Old Babylonian texts
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2004/2005 (1 hour)
New Assyrian scholarly letters
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2018/2019
Israel and Judah under Neo-Assyrian rule (together with A. Berlejung).
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2005/2006
Texts on the history of the Middle Assyrian period
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2006/2007
Ugaritic reading
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2023: Part II
- WiSe 2022/2023: Part I
- WiSe 2020/2021: Ugaritic reading A
- SoSe 2020: Part II
- SoSe 2015: Ugaritic reading B
- WiSe 2014/2015: Ugaritic reading A
- SoSe 2014: Part II
- WiSe 2011/2012 (4 hours)
- WiSe 2009/2010: Introduction to Amurritic and Ugaritic
- SoSe 2007: Part III
- SoSe 2004: Part II
Kingship in Egypt and Mesopotamia according to textual and pictorial sources (together with H. Kockelmann)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2021/2022
Land of philologists: lexical lists in ancient Mesopotamia
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2015/2016
Die Plejaden, die Siebengötter und die Astralisierung des Pantheons im Alten Mesopotamien
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2018
Sumerian inscriptions of the ruler Gudea of Lagash
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2013
Sumerian reading: Gudea inscriptions
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2018/2019
- SoSe 2009
The birth of Mathematics in Ancient Mesopotamia
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2008
Assur and Babylon: The topography in cuneiform and archaeological sources (together with S. Herbordt)
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2012/2013
Inscriptions of Assurbanipal
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- WiSe 2012/2013
The Egyptian pharaoh's correspondence with the kings of Babylonia, Assyria and Mittani in the Amarna period
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2013
The nomads on the Middle Euphrates according to texts from Mari
university leipzig, ancient oriental studies:
- SoSe 2004
Euphrates, sheep and date palm. Regional studies of Mesopotamia (Lecture, 1 hour)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 2002/2003
Reading of Akkadian texts for the lecture "Euphrates, sheep and date palm" (1 hour)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 2002/2003
History of Mesopotamia (3000-300 BC). An overview (Lecture together with W. Sallaberger F. van Koppen and K. Radner)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 2002/2003
The Old Babylonian. A linguistic and Semitic overview (Lecture, 1 hour)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2002
Lecture: The Amurrites - Nomads in Mesopotamia
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 1999/2000
Einführung in die Altorientalische Philologie
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 1996/1997
- WiSe 1995/1996
Introduction to Late Babylonian
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1993
Introduction to Old Babylonian
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1998 Part II
- WiSe 1997/1998 Part I
- SoSe 1994 Part II
- WiSe 1993/1994 Part I
- SoSe 1992 Part II
- WiSe 1991/1992 Part I
Introduction to Assyriology
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1999
Introduction to Ugaritic
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2001 (together with H. Rechenmacher)
- SoSe 1999 (together with H. Rechenmacher)
The Emergence of Early Legal Norms in the Ancient Near East
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2000 (together with G. Ries)
Ugaritic reading
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2002
Akkadian proverbs, fables and humorous tales
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1997
Akkadian: Gilgamesh epic (Flood episode etc.).
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2004 continued from WiSe 2003/2004)
- SoSe 2003: The Flood Narrative in the Epic of Gilgamesh
- WiSe 2003/2004: The Flood myth in the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh
- WiSe 1998/1999 Part II: Introduction and reading
- SoSe 1998 Part I: Introduction and reading
- SoSe 1995 (continued)
- WiSe 1994/1995 (Flood episode etc.)
Phonology of the Semitic languages (S. Weninger)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1996
Comparative Semitic Onomastics (together with H. Rechenmacher and S. Weninger)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1998
Hittite-Akkadian bilinguals (together with A. Ünal)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 1997/1998
Akkadian texts with a Northwest Semitic background (together with M. Krebernik)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1997
The nomads in Old Babylonian times according to selected source texts (simple Old Babylonian reading).
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- WiSe 1994/1995
Cuneiform sources on the history of Babylonia in Hellenistic times (late Babylonian reading).
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 1995
Assyriological colloquium (fortnightly with other lecturers of the institute)
LMU Munich, Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology:
- SoSe 2003
- WiSe 2002/2003
- SoSe 2002
- WiSe 2001/2002
- SoSe 2001
- SoSe 2000
- WiSe 1999/2000
Amurritic and Amurritic I
Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Bern:
- SoSe 1999
- WiSe 1998/1999
Introduction to Babylonia and Babylonian in the First Millennium B. C. (six guest lectures as part of the international cooperation between the Universities of Munich and Prague)
Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Karls-Universität, Prag:
- April 1998
Euphrates, sheep and date palm. Regional studies of Mesopotamia (Lecture, 1 hour)
Eötvös-Universität, Budapest:
- Oktober 2002 (10 lectures)
Die altbabylonische Sprache in linguistischer und semitistischer Perspektive (10 Vorlesungen).
Eötvös-Universität, Budapest:
- Oktober 2002
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (as part of an Erasmus exchange)
- Mai 2017: The Prologue of the Code of Hammurapi
- März 2016: Neo- and Late Babylonian Letters
Old Babylonian reading
Seminar für Altorientalistik, Philipps-Universität, Marburg:
- WiSe 2000/2001
The destruction of Babylon under Sennacherib and the reconstruction under Asarhaddon and Assurbanipal
Seminar für Altorientalistik, Philipps-Universität, Marburg:
- WiSe 2000/2001
Ludlul bel nemeqi
Seminar für Altorientalistik, Philipps-Universität, Marburg:
- WiSe 2000/2001
The prologues of the Sumerian epics
Seminar für Altorientalistik, Philipps-Universität, Marburg:
- WiSe 2000/2001
Introduction to the history of the Neo-Babylonian period
Institut für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena:
- WiSe 2001/2002
Easy Akkadian reading
Institut für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena:
- WiSe 2001/2002
Research fields
- Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie
- Sources of Early Akkadian Literature
- Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian: Supplement to the Akkadian Dictionaries
- Middle Assyrian Grammar
- Elektronisches Handbuch der Keilschrifttexte aus Mari
- Ausgrabungen in Idu/Satu Qala, (Irakisch-Kurdistan)
Contact for media inquiries
Phone: +49 341 97-37021
Fax: +49 341 97-37047