Monika Jägerová studied musicology at Charles University Prague (B.A. 2013; M.A. 2018). In her Master's thesis, she explored the female voice in contemporary Czech practice of historically informed interpretation of baroque music. She was a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Ivana Rentsch (Hamburg), working on the reception of Richard Wagner at the Neue Deutsche Theater in Prague. She presented her work at the annual conference of "Česká společnost pro hudební vědu" 2021. Her research interests include the social history of opera in the Bohemian lands and vocal performance practice. As a singer, she has appeared at the Opéra Royal de Château de Versailles with Collegium 1704, at the Bergen Nasjonale Opera, at the Oude Muziek Utrecht Festival, and Dvořákova Praha among others. In October 2022, Monika Jägerová joined the ERC Project “Opera and the Politics of Empire in Habsburg Europe, 1815-1914” at Leipzig University as a research fellow, working on the role of opera in the Bohemian Lands.
Professional career
- 07/2020 - 09/2022
Research Assistant of Prof. Dr. Ivana Rentsch (Universität Hamburg),grant RFD12 (2020-2023): Handwritten layers of operatic practices – The reception of Richard Wagner at the Neue Deutsche Theater in Prague (1888–1938) - 07/2020 - 09/2022
2020-2022Music Archive of National Theatre Prague cataloging of fond Czech Theatre and Neues Deutsches Theater, focus on Wagner operas - 05/2020 - 08/2020
bibliography OMNFCzech Science Foundation EXPRO 19-28306X: Old Myths, New Facts: Czech Lands in Center of 15th-century Music Developments, project leader: Dr. phil. Hana Vlhová-Wörner (Jistebnice manuscript)
- since 10/2022
Ph.D. Student, ERC-Project "Opera and the Politics of Empire in Habsburg Europe, 1815-1914", Department of History, University of Leipzig - 09/2013 - 09/2018
M.A. in Musicology at Charles University PragueM.A.-Thesis: Female Voice in Contemporary Czech Practice of Historically Informed Interpretation of Baroque Music (Cultural analysis of Music)