The Faculty of History, Arts and Area Studies supports the academic qualification of academics and acquires third-party funding and projects across the board.

Greetings Prodekan Prof. Dr. Dirk van Laak (2018-2021)

The Faculty of History, Art and Regional Studies is one of the most research-intensive at the University of Leipzig. In addition to teaching, a significant part of its activities is devoted to basic and applied research and its communication to the public. Faculty staff are promoted and supported at all academic levels. This enables them to acquire and carry out research projects ranging from small and rather specialised to large and internationally networked. Our documented projects show how diverse the topics and formats are with which the faculty's researchers are on their way to new insights.

enlarge the image: Das Foto zeigt eine Aufnahme aus der Stadt Tokyo. Im Vordergrund sind Bahnschienen, dahinter zahlreiche Gebäude und eine stark befahrene Straße zu sehen. An allen Gebäuden ist Leuchtwerbung angebracht.
Geforscht wird wird auf verschiedenen Ebenen: lokal, regional, national und weltweit. Foto: Colourbox

Trend-setting research

In the Faculty of History, Arts and Regional Studies all levels of qualification and research can be found: edition projects and interdisciplinary research networks, empirical detailed research and theoretical grand designs.

Classic formats are supported as well as innovative approaches, book projects as well as the Digital Humanities. The faculty strives for gender parity as well as participation in university excellence initiatives. This includes targeted support at all levels of qualification, from students who are involved in research to professors with original research ideas.

The particular strength of the faculty is undoubtedly the breadth of its methodological approaches and the diversity of its disciplinary focus, from the local to the global level. It creates a special climate of mutual stimulation between the subjects.

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