Nachricht vom

Veranstaltung am 18.02.2023 14:30 – 20:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: HfMT Hamburg, Fanny-Hensel-Saal


Researchers have frequently described modern Russia as a ›logocentric‹ culture (Frolova-Walker 2007), based on the import of foreign influences through direct cultural contacts or various media and technologies such as translation, with scholars like Juri Lotman even proposing an entire semiotic geography characterized by wave-like degrees oftranscultural exchanges (2017). With the advent of global music history studies, the notion of Russia, the Soviet Union, and larger Eastern Europe as importing and exporting musical cultures deserves a critical reappraisal. However, musicologists and music theorists still lack an adequate vocabulary and methodology to account for the modes of musical transfer manifest in thesources. This study day focuses on compositional models and schemata, as (re)introduced in the recent musicological and music-theoretical discourse of the last two decades.

Beiträge: Patrick Becker-Naydenov (Universität Leipzig), Wendelin Bitzan (Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf), Elena Chernova (Universität Heidelberg), Olha Kushniruk (University of Cambridge), Rebecca Mitchell (Middlebury College, Vermont), Jeff Yunek (Kennesaw State University, Georgia), Inna Klause (HMTMH Hannover), Bart de Graaf (The Hague Conservatory) .
Moderation: Christoph Flamm (Universität Heidelberg)

14:30–15:00          welcome desk / guest arrival @HfMT

15:00–15:15          welcome and introduction (chairing Christoph Flamm)

15:15–15:45          joint paper 1 (Patrick Becker-Naydenov + Wendelin Bitzan)

15:45–16:15          paper 2 (Elena Chernova)

16:15–16:30          short break

16:30–17:00          paper 3 (Olha Kushniruk)

17:00–17:30          paper 4 (Inna Klause)

17:30–18:00          long break

18:00–18:30          paper 5 (Bart de Graaf)

18:30–19:00          paper 6 (Jeff Yunek)

19:00–19:15          short break

19:15–19:45          paper 7 (Rebecca Mitchell)

19:45–20:00          final discussion, acknowledgement and conclusion (plenary session)

Die Veranstaltungen richten sich ausdrücklich nicht nur an Musiktheoretiker:innen, sondern an alle Interessierten. Nach den Vorträgen gibt es die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion.

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Fachgruppe Musiktheorie der HfMT Hamburg in Kooperation mit der der Fachgruppe »Musiktheorie« der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (GfM), der Arbeitsgruppe »Internationales« der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH), dem Institut für Musikwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig und dem Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe – Global Area«