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Classic Archeology in the heart of Leipzig City

Welcome to the Museum of Antiquities! Explore Greco-Roman antiquity and experience ornate vases, marble sculptures, terracotta figurines and clay reliefs, bronze statuettes and utensils and clay lamps in our publicly accessible teaching and study collection in the heart of the city.

Our exhibitions

Room with attic vases, picture: Peter Franke/Punctum
Further Information

Our collections

Room of our Kouros from Naukratis, picture: Marion Wenzel

Researching and preserving

A red-figure shard from the depot of the Antikenmuseum, picture: Marion Wenzel

Our Museumshop

Some plastercasts available in the museums shop, picture: Marion Wenzel

Education and mediation

Learning and discovering

Visitors during an guided tour from the Curator, picture: Marion Wenzel

Digital antiquity

Visitor in the museum, taking a picture of a scultpture, picture: feinesbild

Forum Take5

Forum Take5, Graphic: Anna Grünberg

Latest news

Contact and directions


Alte Nikolaischule
Nikolaikirchhof 2
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30700