Workshop from the Khyentse Center for Contemplative Traditions
Resilience and Transformation through Contemplative Practices?
With speakers: Prof. Dr. Dan Hirschberg (University of Boulder), Pascal Stolz (Hakomi Institute of Europe), Prof. Dr. Jim Rheingans (Universität Wien) and Dipl.-Psych Sonja Kramer.
The Khysentse Center for Contemplative Traditions is pleased to invite you to our next workshop on “Resilience and Transformation through Contemplative Practices?” in which we will explore the depiction of psychological processes in ancient Buddhist texts and their contemporary application in psychotherapy to strengthen resilience.
In today's fast-paced world, the ability to adapt and cope with adverse circumstances is more important than ever. The aim of this unique workshop is to explore the conceptualization of resilience in the Buddhist tradition and its relevance to modern psychotherapeutic practice. One focus of the workshop will be on exploring mindfulness, a central practice in Buddhism, and its role in addressing inner processes and feelings. Concepts such as compassion and presence, which are crucial for inner transformation, will also be discussed in depth. By incorporating ancient Buddhist texts and teachings, participants will gain insight into Buddhist perspectives on emotions and mental processes and how these concepts can be effectively integrated into contemporary therapeutic settings.
Our speakers are distinguished scholars and therapists with extensive experience in Buddhist and other contemplative traditions as well as contemporary psychotherapy. They offer a comprehensive perspective that combines historical texts and modern practice.
→ Registration, Contact and further Information: marco.walther(at)